ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ACCOUNTING POLICIES TO THE ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the year ended 31 March 2023 9. LEASING (continued) When an operating lease is terminated before the lease period has expired, any payment required to be made to the lessor by way of penalty is recognised as an expense in the period in which termination takes place. 10. PROVISIONS Provisions are recognised when the SETA has a present legal obligation and/or constructive obligation as a result of a past event and it is probable that this will result in an outflow of economic benefits or service potential that can be estimated reliably. The amount of a provision is the best estimate of the expenditure expected to be required to settle the present obligation at the reporting date. Where the effect of time value of money is material, the amount of a provision is the present value of the expenditures expected to be required to settle the obligation. Where some or all of the expenditure required to settle a provision is expected to be reimbursed by another party, the reimbursement is recognised when, and only when, it is virtually certain that reimbursement will be received if the SETA settles the obligation. The reimbursement is treated as a separate asset. The amount recognised for the reimbursement does not exceed the amount of the provision. Provisions are reviewed at each reporting date and adjusted to reflect the current best estimate. Provisions are reversed if it is no longer probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits or service potential will be required, to settle the obligation. 11. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Short-term employee benefits are employee benefits (other than termination benefits) that are due to be settled within twelve months after the end of the period in which the employees render the related service. - short-term compensated absences (such as paid annual leave and paid sick leave) where the compensation for the absences is due to be settled within twelve months after the end of the reporting period in which the employees render the related employee service; - incentive and performance related bonuses payable within twelve months after the end of the reporting period in which the employees render the related service. The cost of employee benefits is recognised during the period in which the employee renders the related service. Employee entitlements are recognised when they accrue to employees. A provision is made for the estimated liability as a result of services rendered by employees up to the statement of financial position date. Provisions included in the statement of financial position are provisions for leave (based on the current salary rates) and incentive bonuses. The SETA recognises the expected cost of incentive and performance related bonus payments when it has a present legal or constructive obligation to make such payments as a result of past events and a reliable estimate of the obligation can be made. A present obligation exists when the SETA has no realistic alternative but to make the payments. Short-term employee benefits include items such as: - salaries, wages and social security contributions;



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