Allrich Trading
Want to install a backdrop instantly? Pop-up is the answer to it! Pop-ups are themost elegant and high-quality backdrops you can get. These are available in collapsible frame joined like a scaffolding. To transport, you can pack a 3-meter high popup in a small carry bag. Graphic installed on these frames are with magnetic backing that sticks in its position instantly. Popups are available in different sizes and with straight and curved shapes. Pop-ups are available in Curved and Straight edges. With the curved edges it looks a bit stylish and even the pop-up itself is available in the curved shape.
Adjusting the graphic for a pop-up is not same as adjusting for any other media. Since the graphic is printed in panels and installed without overlap, therefore it is very important to follow sizes carefully.
This is a reference measurement details of a curved pop-up to give an idea on the details to follow. In case you have any specific requirement, feel free to get in touch with us to know more.
Tel: +27 11 314 3237 +27 82 655 3067
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