A Guide for Councillors
Introduction to this guide This Guide builds on the knowledge of councillors to ensure that they are aware of their rights and obligations under the legislation to help manage the affairs of their municipality. It is a summarised and illustrated version of an earlier National Treasury publication called “A Guide to Municipal Finance Management for Councillors”, often referred to as the “Pocket Guide for Councillors”. It is used to explain the Municipal Finance Management Act, which was also produced in a pocket-sized version, referred to as the “Pocket MFMA”. The Guide is written as a practical and user-friendly document to help councillors better understand the Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA). It explains a councillor’s role in the budget process, in fi nancial management, in using certain fi nancial reports and in the process of purchasing goods and services for the municipality. It also provides information on the relationship between a councillor, the municipal manager and of fi cials of the municipality in terms of municipal fi nancial management.
The Pocket Guide for Councillors and The Pocket MFMA
The Role of Councillors in Municipal Finance Management
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