
Gender Diversity

3% 2%





c Blacks c Whites c Coloureds c Indians

c Males c Females

Building and Retaining Strong Skills Rand Water has recognised and acknowledged the notion of talent management for its role in advancing and prioritising the need to retain people and promote mobility throughout the year under review. To support a high-performance culture, the emphasis was on fostering talent mobility and retention through various talent management interventions. The Technical Career Path (TCP) progression ladder, which is targeted at essential and key skills in the organisation is one of methods utilised as part of retention. In the 2022/23 Financial Year, we have created 447 new jobs, both permanent and temporary. The table below depicts the appointments of permanent and temporary employees for the Financial Year ending 30 th June 2023. Table 5: New Appointments 2022/23 Financial Year





Grand Total

Appointment Type

Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male

External Appointment Internal Appointment

151 199

0 1 1

6 3 9

0 0 0

1 1 2

0 0

1 3





Grand Total

194 237

0 4


Technical Career Path (TCP) Within the scope of talent management, talent mobility is a business need to promote retention and recognise core specialised talent. The successful development and advancement of Rand Water’s essential expertise and abilities is vital for success. Building and advancing the calibre of essential and in-demand skills within Rand Water has been made possible through the talent management processes. Through the facilitation of Road to Registration initiatives, an increase in professionally registered employees has been observed. The TCP process is the primary approach for talent retention and strengthening the technical bench-strength. In addition, it offers Rand Water a measure that is objective and serves as a foundation for career development practices. The selected career development route affords employees a continuous framework that enables them to advance their capabilities, broaden their horizons, and enhance their abilities. By offering the employees a holistic employee experience through our integrated talent management practices, it results in career satisfaction, and higher engagement. For the year under review, one (1) employee from Strategic Asset Management and three (3) employees from the Scientific Services Divisions were presented to the respective Divisional Talent Forums for consideration as part of the Technical Career Path (TCP) process, and all the employees were approved for progression. This syncs seamlessly with the efforts to improve the technical proficiencies of our talent through concerted efforts for their professional development. Some of those professional bodies include, but are not limited to, the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) and South African Council for Natural Scientists Professions (SACNASP) through on-going workshops and awareness campaigns. Table 6: Professional Bodies Professional Bodies Registrations 2022 Registrations 2023 Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) 89 78 South African Geomatics Council (SAGC) 8 8 South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions (SACNASP) 26 22


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