Our Workforce At the end of the Financial Year, Rand Water has a staff compliment of 3 493 permanent employees and 366 fixed term/ temporary employees. There is an overall 90% black representation, followed by 5% whites, 3% Indians and 2% coloureds. Out of 90% black representation, there are seven (7) foreign nationals representing only 0.18% of the total workforce. Females represent 43% of the total employees population. However; female appointments at M-Q bands (supervisory and management) made up 84% of the total appointments, way above the target of 54%. Whilst the number of people with disabilities has reduced to 109 from 110 in the previous year, this component of the workforce still makes up 3.2% of the total workforce, above the 2% national sector target. The table below outlines representation of the workforce per
Our human capital is the people we employ who possess mixed skills, qualifications, knowledge and experience to ensure “Excellence” performance of Rand Water. For the past 120 years, Rand Water has been delivering on its mandate of supplying water to millions of South Africans, and this was made possible by our employees, who are committed to serving. We value their effort in ensuring Rand Water achieves its vision of being provider of sustainable, universally competitive water and sanitation solutions. Rand Water, as a highly competitive organisation with an objective of achieving a high-performance culture, is continuously looking at ways to effectively manage its strategic capital, which is its people (employees). Our greatest assets, our people, are at the center of everything because they can improve the organisation’s performance and productivity when they are capable, competent, and well managed. We are ensuring that our employees are fully trained and competent to be able to improve their performance and add value to the bottom line. In order to meet the current and future challenges of our business, Capacity Building undertakes a wide range of learning interventions for their present job functions and knowledge sharing to improve the business horizon. The focus is also on employee personal development, which increases the effectiveness of individuals, groups, and organisation.
occupational level and demographics as of 30 June 2023.
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