PFMA COMPLIANCE REPORT National Treasury issued Instruction No. 4 of 2022/23: PFMA Compliance and Reporting Framework, with effective date 03 January 2023. The instruction provides updated principles and compliance reporting requirements to be followed when dealing with Irregular, Fruitless and Wasteful Expenditure and reporting on Supply Chain Management matters. The following is information that should be disclosed by institutions in the Annual Report per the PFMA (1999, as amended) and the relevant frameworks.
PFMA COMPLIANCE REPORT Irregular Expenditure
Reconciliation of Irregular Expenditure
2 023
2 022
Opening balance
3 795 601
3 446 500
Prior Period Errors
113 733
As restated
3 795 601
3 560 233
513 474
636 194
Add: Irregular expenditure confirmed
(110 013)
(4 746)
Less: Irregular expenditure condoned
1 253 479
Less: Irregular expenditure not condoned and removed
(264 479)
(396 081)
Less: Irregular expenditure cleared
Less: Irregular expenditure recoverable
Less: Irregular expenditure not recovered and written off
Closing balance 3 795 601 The irregular expenditure cleared is the expenditure that was confirmed as irregular during the assessment process. However, during the determination process, additional information was reviewed which proved that the expenditure was not irregular. Reconciling notes to the annual financial statement disclosure 2 681 105
2 023
2 022
Irregular Expenditure that was under assessment in 2021/2022
53 142
Irregular Expenditure that relates to 2021/22 and identified in 2022/23
40 318
Irregular Expenditure for the current year
513 474
542 734
Irregular Expenditure incurred in the current year
9 660
Additional expenditure on multi-year contracts
513 474
533 075
513 474
636 194
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