The process of assessing viable alternative sources of raw water to augment current sources of water is underway. The long viability and sustainability of Rand Water is of critical importance. Given current economic and financial challenges facing the country, the importance of this issue has increased significantly. In order for Rand Water to fully discharge its mandate, the organisation should remain financially liquid. Therefore, the strategic goal is to maintain sufficient headroom of financial resources to continue to execute the capital expenditure programme thus maintaining the mandate of supply of bulk potable water of a world class standard without fail. There is a recognition that the purpose in nature of Rand Water requires urgent change. There are significant opportunities upstream and downstream of the Rand Water business, thus providing a rationale for Rand Water Services, as previously mentioned. The important parameter is to ensure that Rand Water Services offers a competitive rate of return in the long run according to its Business Plan. I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the Board of Rand Water. Their spirit of engagement has been encouraging. Lastly, I would like to express my gratitude to important stakeholders that continue to work diligently with Rand Water. I welcome the continued positive engagement with international rating agencies, capital markets, investors, and financial institutions. I also look forward to the continued spirit of commitment, diligence, effort, and professionalism of Rand Water staff. Let’s keep this up!

Sipho Mosai

Chief Executive


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