RAND WATER BOARD COMMITTEES Committees have been established to assist the Board of Rand Water to discharge its roles and responsibilities. The Committees of the Board is comprised of Nomination Committee, Group Audit and Risk Committee, Social and Ethics Committee, Treasury and Capital Investments Committee, and Human Resources and Remuneration Committee. The Committees are appropriately constituted, and members are appointed by the Chairperson of the Board.

Table 2: Board Committees

Nomination Committee

Group Audit and Risk Committee

Chairperson Mr. Ramateu Monyokolo Ms. Malande Tonjeni Mr. Sipho Mosai (CE) Ms. Zanele Monnakgotla

Chairperson Ms. Zanele Monnakgotla

Ms. Malande Tonjeni Ms. Gwendolyn Mahuma-Madida Mr. Luvuyo Ntoyi Mr. Gcinumzi Qotywa Mr. Nala Mhlongo Ms. Ayanda Mafuleka^^

Meetings: 1

Meetings: 5

Members & Meeting Attendance

Attendance: 100%

Attendance: 91%

• Identify, consider, and recommend to the Board the nomination of members for appointment to the Board Committees, Boards of subsidiaries including the Independent Medical Aid Scheme and Provident Funds of Rand Water. •

The effectiveness of Rand Water’s assurance functions and services, with particular focus on combined assurance arrangements, including external assurance service providers, the internal audit function and the finance function. • The implementation of an appropriate Enterprise-wide Risk Management Strategy which is supported by an effective Enterprise-wide Risk Management Framework (ERMF). • The quality and effectiveness of Rand Water’s risk management systems processes and procedures including the strategies and policies for the management of risks across the organisation.

Mandate/ Responsibilities


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