Vast Board members’ skills and experience from both public and private sector. Vast Board members’ skills and experience from both public and private sector.

100% resolutions taken by the Board vs number of resolutions required. 100% resolutions taken by the Board vs number of resolutions required.

92% Board independence. 92% Board independence.

The Board views good governance as a vital component in operating a successful and sustainable business, as well as providing assurance to all stakeholders.

Tenure 1-3 Years:

95% Board Member attendance of all Board meetings. 95% Board Member attendance of all Board meetings.

46% Female Gender diversity. 46% Female Gender diversity.

11 members More than 6 years: 2 members Tenure 1-3 Years: 11 members More than 6 years: 2 members

MAJOR DECISIONS TAKEN BY THE BOARD • Approved the revised Rand Water Group Strategic Goals and KPIs for the next Five Years. • Recommended the request to seek approval from the Executive Authority for the expropriation of servitudes over the property belonging to Joburg Property Company: Portion 195 Doornfontein 92 IR, Portion 196 Doornfontein 92 IR and ERF 362 De Wetshof Ext 7. • Approved the revised Terms of Reference of the Group Audit and Risk Committee, Social and Ethics Committee, Nominations Committee, Treasury and Capital Investments Committee and the Human Resources and Remuneration Committee. • Approved the revised Board Charter and the revised Delegation of Authority. • Approved to discontinue the supply of free basic water of 6 kilolitres per month to Rand Water’s current 675 direct/ retail customers commencing 01 July 2024. • Approved the allocation of Board Members to the re-constituted Board Committees and as employer representatives to the Board of Trustees (BOTs) of the Rand Water Medical Scheme and Provident Funds. • Approved the consultation mandate for Rand Water to engage with its stakeholders and customers on the proposed FY 2023/24 annual bulk water tariff increase. • Approved the proposed 9.2% water tariff increment for the financial year beginning on 01 July 2023, and recommended to the Shareholder for consideration and submission to Parliament for approval. • Approved request for approval of the resuscitation of Rand Water Services (Proprietary) Limited as a trading entity.


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