Consolidated Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2023

Remuneration Report

*.: T op Management Committee was established with limited decision making authority by the Executive Committee to consider and approve specific operational matters as delegated by the Chief Executive.

(a): M r. G Mulzack was appointed acting GM Communications and Stakeholder Management on 31 October 2020 up to February 2023. Ms. J Radebe has been appointed effective 1 February 2023.

(b): M r R Msweli was appointed as the Acting GM Bulk Water Operations effective from 1 May 2021 to 30 January 2022.

(c): P rof. H Kasan elected the voluntary separation dispensation, and effectively left his employment as the GM Scientific Services on 30 Septemeber 2021, included in the remuneration is a severance payout. Dr. E Ncube was appointed as the Acting GM Scientific Services as of 1 October 2021 up to March 2023. Ms. N Mnonopi has been appointed effective 1 March 2023.

(d): M r RS Mathebula was deployed to DWS to assist in the realignment processes of the Shareholder. Mr Xulu was appointed in his stead during this period up to August 2022.

(e): M r. R Thagwana (Acting Group Head : Internal Audit) resigned as acting Group Head : Internal Audit on 31 August 2022.

(f): M r. H De Lange (CFE) (Manager – Analytics and Project Assurance) tenure as a Top Management Committee member ended.

(g): M s. S Motloung ( Group Audit Executive) was appointed on 1 October 2022.

^. R eimbursements are those costs incurred during the normal course of fulfilling their day to day operational requirements, which are reimbursed by the Group.


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