Consolidated Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 30 June 2023

Board Report


on corporate social investment >= 95% Achieved 100%(21) Achieved 99% (21)

Employee engagement survey 72% Not achieved 68% (23) Not applicable (23)

2023 Performance

Customer satisfaction survey >= 82.5% Achieved 85.1% (24) Achieved 83.9% (24)


Target 2022 Performance

>=51% Achieved 69.84% (22) Achieved 83.82% (22)

Performance objective Strategic objective Outcome/ Impact Key performance indicators Corporate social responsibility initiatives Positively engage stakeholder base Good corporate citizenship Percentage spent Training and Skills Development Achieve a high performance culture Skills and capacity building Female recruited in management and

technical positions

(External and Internal M‑Q)

Good corporate citizenship

Skills and capacity building

Reliability of supply Positively engage stakeholder base

Staff levels Achieve a high

performance culture

* Financial calculations excludes incentive bonus provision which is not guaranteed 13. Corporate business plan and shareholders compact (Continued) 13.1. Performance information for the year based on Rand Water’s (the entity) performance in line with the Shareholder Compact.


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