Project Name

Use of Scanning Solutions to Develop 3D& VR Models on Water Treatment Assets


• Complete and detailed 3D model of Engine Room 2, Zuikerbosch (in an execution model) with 2D drawings. • Virtual reality model of Engine Room 2, Zuikerbosch (in 2 execution models). • Technical reports (with cost-benefit analysis). • All native formats. • The solution proposed mitigated the major risk of undocumented plant modifications associated with the unavailability of as-built drawings. Additionally, returns of an average of 66.7% were to be realised, per future project (equivalent to up to R29 million on all process plants only), by using the proposed solution as opposed to the traditional methods of creating 3D models and as- built engineering drawings. • Furthermore, numerous efficiencies are to be generated by improving the design phase of a project (prototyping and design), improving operator training, improved planning for maintenance and ease of visualisation of plants. Lastly, new skills can be developed using the various hardware and software relevant to creating these models. • The objectives of 3D Mapping project are to conduct a subsurface mapping of the BG1, BG2, and BG3 pipeline and concrete encasement provided at three locations. • To provide updated as-built drawing of the concrete encasement provided on the specified locations. • To review the adequacy of concrete encasement provided as mitigation against pipeline floating risk due to drainage. • Initially Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) was used to map the structures. However, the GPR results could not be processed as the presence of the concrete encasement created a large velocity disturbance in the ground and the extreme lateral velocity changes at shallow depth made it very difficult to correctly process the observed velocity dispersion curves. • To remedy this challenge, seismic refraction (SR) was used as an alternative Technology which gave good and expected results with much better quality for the West and East traverses. Advanced 3D Mapping of Sub-Surface Pipes up to 20M Depth

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• The geophysical investigation demonstrated the detection capability of the two methods.

• The fast EM method where data can be acquired at a slow walking speed is preferred compared to the much slower seismic refraction method.


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