Our Manufactured Capital are the collection of physical infrastructure, operational processes, tools and technological objects that we continuously acquire for use in the provision of water and sanitation services, and therefore in fulfilling our mandate of providing bulk potable water to our customers Rand Water primarily draws raw water from the Vaal River System at two (2) river stations (Zuikerbosch and at Vereeniging). Water is abstracted and purified and then pumped to the southern foothills of the Witwatersrand, using thousands of kilometres of large diameter steel pipes, mechanical pump infrastructure as well as electrical and automation infrastructure of varying age and capacity. Four (4) booster stations at Eikenhof, Zwartkopjes, Palmiet and Mapleton additionally lift the water to high lying reservoirs.

Water is substantially on-supplied to customers under the force of gravity. Customer supply as follows: • Zuikerbosch / Vereeniging direct–Southern Gauteng and northern Free State (localised), in addition to supplying to all booster pumping stations. • Eikenhof–Western and north-western Johannesburg, the West Rand and greater Rustenburg. • Zwartkopjes–Central Johannesburg and a high-lying portion of the East Rand. • Palmiet–Eastern and northern Johannesburg, large parts of Tshwane, and western portions of Ekurhuleni. • Mapleton–Central and eastern parts of Tshwane and Ekurhuleni, and selected areas in Mpumalanga. In the year under review, Rand Water supplied an average of 4 520 Mℓ/d of potable water to our consumers, up from the previous year’s 4 443 Mℓ/d. The Peak day demand of 5 199 Mℓ/d achieved in March 2023 was high compared to 5 069 Mℓ/d achieved in May 2022. Rand Water continues to assist municipalities to improve the blue drop status.

KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS OUTPUTS During this reporting period, there were six (6) key performance indicators and targets relating to Manufactured Capital performance as committed to by the Board with the Shareholders. All targets achieved. Below are the details:

Manufactured Capital Key Performance Indicators Outputs

0 days






Avoidable water lost as a percentage of water produced at the treatment and distribution systems

Actual CAPEX spend on expansion related projects (initiatives by the Minister) as % of budget

Number of days of unplanned supply interrupted

Overall project

Test results SANS 241 Composite indicator

Overall project expenditure within R target

completion dates within targets

0 days






m Performance Target m Actual Performance

Figure 14: Manufactured Capital Key Performance Indicators


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