Interventions War Room, Destitute, Military Vets M inister Mmamoloko Kubayi was appointed to head the portfolio of Human Settlements in 2021, where she immediately conducted provincial oversight visits to assess the progress of service delivery in the respective municipalities. From her analysis it was noted that there is slow progress on achieving the following strategic outcomes of the NDHS: accelerated delivery of housing opportunities; improved access to basic services; more efficient land utilisation and improved property market. In addition, the Minister noted with great concern the lack of technical capacity within the human settlements sector, which ultimately contributes to disintegrated project plans, unrealistic project estimates and poor implementation and monitoring of infrastructure projects. Therefore, to improve on these findings, a National Human Settlements War Room (NHSWaR) consisting of six specialists was established in 1 May 2022. This team possess qualifications and expertise in the following fields: Governance, Disaster Management, Town Planning, Civil Engineering and Project Management. The scope of work for this task team included the following, but not limited to coordinate, monitor and fast track the implementation of multiple projects in provinces and municipalities; provide oversight and support in the implementation of HSDG, USDG and ISUPG projects; provide project tracking tools to enhance monitoring; develop methodologies to unblock delayed projects and to provide strategic intervention plans to the administration through Ministerial advisories.


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