140945 Limpopo Gambling Board AR DRAFT 7

5.5 Reporting on the Institutional Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Internal Intervention: a)

The Entity has appointed a Compliance Officer.

b) All OHS Committee members were trained as screening officers to assist if needed. c) Cleaning is done daily according to Regulations. Each employee is responsible for sanitizing their own workstation every two hours. d) PPEs were procured for all staff. e) Temperature screening was done on each entry to the premises by security officers. Full screening was done on first entry of the week by screening officers. f) No visitors were allowed on the premises. All officials and service providers entering the premises were required to wear a mask and the security officers sanitised officials’ hands on entrance. A register was kept with all required information on persons who entered the premises. g) The Entity has a staff strength of fifty-nine (59) permanent staff and one (1) intern. h) Implementation plan is in place. i) Officials with co-morbidities and who are above 60 years continued to work on a rotational basis and they were all in good health.

External Intervention: a)

Licensees were encouraged to comply with the Disaster Management Regulations for COVID-19 at the different Alert Levels declared during the financial year. Limited monitoring of compliance with the Regulations was conducted and the Licensees were generally compliant.


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