140945 Limpopo Gambling Board AR DRAFT 7
The BBBEE arrangements of Licensees include worker, community, and Historically Disadvantaged Individuals ownership. Licensees are also required to implement the prescripts of the Employment Equity Act No.55 of 1998 to eliminate gender and race wage disparity in the gambling industry. Section 33 of the Act mandates the Entity to consider issues of competition whilst adjudicating on applications for gambling licences to determine whether the approval of a licence is likely to substantially affect competition in the gambling industry generally, or in respect of the proposed activity within the Province. The Entity rigorously implements this section to prevent the exacerbation of high levels of economic concentration in one sector of population. The licensing of LPM sites and Bookmakers has facilitated the increase in the number of competitive micro, small and medium sized businesses, and contributes to township economies and rural development. This is through employment creation, procurement of goods and services, CSI contributions and contributions to the government coffers through taxes, fees and levies. MTSF Priority 6 – Social Cohesion and Safe Communities – During the 2021/22 financial year, a total of 25 illegal gambling operators were arrested during investigations and R29 500.00 in admission of guilt fines were paid. A total number of 59 cases were investigated during the financial year. The investigations also resulted in the confiscation of 116 illegal gambling machines. During the financial year, the Entity destroyed a total of 57 illegal gambling machines in the form of Chinese Roulette. The machines were confiscated from various spaza shops and taverns throughout the Province. The remaining 59 illegal gambling machines will be destroyed during the 2022/23 financial year. The limited powers granted to Law Enforcement Unit Inspectors through section 334 of the Criminal Procedure Act (Act 51 of 1977) remains an impeding factor in terms of arrests that lead to convictions. In most cases the defence challenge the capability of the Law Enforcement Unit Inspectors to effect arrests, thereby infuencing the court to render such arrests as invalid. International Association of Gaming Regulators Gambling is a global recreational activity that is regulated in many jurisdictions around the world. The regulation of gambling is aligned to socio-economic priorities of each jurisdiction, hence, the requirements for licensing and operating a gambling establishment differs from one jurisdiction to another. Gambling Regulators from around the world established the International Association of Gaming Regulators (IAGR) with the mission to advance the effectiveness and efficiency of gambling regulation by providing: a forum in which gambling regulators from around the world can meet, exchange views and information, and discuss policy issues among themselves and with representatives of the international gambling industry; MTSF Priority 7 – A Better Africa and World – a) As part of the licence conditions, Licensees are required to procure 40% of goods and services from local Entities in the Province, and this supports the localisation and ‘buy local’ campaigns.
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