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4. Strategies to Control Gambling:

The following are some suggestions for reducing the harm associated with gambling: a) Remember that gambling is entertainment. It’s not a way to get rich quickly or pay off your debts; b) Practice delay in responding to the urge to gamble by doing something else or finding long-term alternative enjoyable activities; c) Work out how much you can afford to spend on gambling and budget for it. Be careful to stick to your gambling budget. One way to do this is to only carry the amount of money you have budgeted for gambling on the day; d) Don’t try to recoup your losses. They may only increase; e) Beware of how often and how long you play; f) When you are winning, take occasional breaks. Think about the smart time to stop; g) Only use your own money; h) Gamble in company, not alone; i) Develop a support network of family or friends to talk to when you want to resist the urge to gamble; or j) Apply for self-exclusion at one of the gambling institutions. Sometimes, even after trying some of these strategies, dealing with gambling problems on your own can be difficult. This is when the extra support of someone who specialises in gambling counselling can be very helpful.

If you need help with a gambling problem, for yourself, a friend or someone you care for, call the National Gambling Programme’s toll free helpline on 0800 006 008 or send a SMS to 076 675 0710


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