140945 Limpopo Gambling Board AR DRAFT 7
LIMPOPO GAMBLING BOARD Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2022 Notes to the Annual Financial Statements
27. Contingencies (continued) The Applicant sought an application in the High Court to set aside a search warrant and to subsequently seek a mandament van spolie for the return of items seized by the second respondent in respect of an illegal gambling matter. The entity was cited as the 4th Respondent and was duly represented by the State Attorney. On account of the inability of the State Attorney to consult with the second respondent, the State Attorney was not prepared for the court date on 29 October 2019 and as a result, a default judgement was obtained by the Applicant. The State Attorney has subsequently brought an application for the rescission of judgment wherein such application was opposed by the Applicant. The State Attorney subsequently brought an application for the rescission of the default judgement. The applicant had filed the answering affidavit and a hearing date is being awaited from the Registrar. As at the end of the financial year, no confirmation from the legal representative regarding the contingent liabilities/assets for the period under review was received. However, the entity’s legal representative previously stated that, “should the Board be unsuccessful, the anticipated financial liability of the Board will be R200 000 (Two hundred thousand rands). If successful, the Board will be entitled to legal costs which is estimated at R150 000 (One hundred and fifty thousand rands).” INNOCENT SIBOTSHWA (T/A LEBOWAKGOMO INTERNET CAFÉ// LIMPOPO GAMBLING BOARD On 21 August 2020, the entity received a notice of motion application to join the Chairman/Limpopo Gambling Board as the third respondent to the above case. The Applicant was successful and the court granted an order for the entity to be joined as the third respondent. The State Attorney filed an answering affidavit for the third Respondent on 9 June 2021. There has been no movement on the matter since then. As at the end of the financial year, no confirmation from the legal representative regarding the contingent liabilities/assets for the period under review was received. However, it was previously stated by the State Attorney that no financial liability will arise from the case save for the legal costs associated therewith. The Board’s legal representative was also unable to estimate the legal costs associated with the case.
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