140945 Limpopo Gambling Board AR DRAFT 7

LIMPOPO GAMBLING BOARD Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2022 Statement of Changes in Net Assets

Accumulated surplus / deficit

Total net assets

Balance at 01 April 2020 as previously reported

(4 804 050)

(4 804 050)

Changes in net assets Levies surrendered Funds to be surrendered

(77 650 995) (77 650 995) (12 095 075) (12 095 075) (89 746 070) (89 746 070) 91 967 475 91 967 475 2 221 405 2 221 405

Net income (losses) recognised directly in net assets

Restated Surplus for the year

Total recognised income and expenses for the year

Levies to be surrendered in April Adjustments made directly in net assets

(2 334 758)

(2 334 758)

11 435 961 462 859 544

11 435 961 462 859 544

Prior period error

Total changes

Restated* Balance at 01 April 2021

(3 944 506)

(3 944 506)

Changes in net assets Funds surrendered

(129 926 238) (129 926 238) (129 926 238) (129 926 238) 151 113 603 151 113 603 21 187 365 21 187 365 (18 030 098) (18 030 098) 3 157 267 3 157 267

Net income (losses) recognised directly in net assets

Surplus for the year

Total recognised income and expenses for the year

Funds to be surrendered

Total changes

Balance at 31 March 2022

(787 239)

(787 239)

* See Note 29



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