Statement of Changes in Net Assets
Administration reserve
Mandatory reserve
Discretionery reserve
Total reserves
Total net assets
R ‘000 R ‘000
R ‘000 R ‘000 R ‘000
Opening balance as previously reported
2 069
677 934 680 404 680 404
Adjustments Correction of errors
6 099
6 099
6 099
Balance at 01 April 2019 as restated*
2 069
401 684 033 686 503 686 503
Changes in net assets Deficit for the year
(6 729)
Allocation of accumulated surplus Note 12 Excess reserves transfered to
7 049 52 288
(66 066)
(6 729)
(4 158)
(51 401)
55 556
Discretionary reserve Total Changes
2 891
(10 510)
(6 732)
(6 732)
Balance at 01 April 2020
4 960 1 288 673 523 679 771 679 771
Changes in net assets Surplus for year
(50 277)
Allocation of accumulated surplus Note 12 Excess reserves transfered to
(20 577)
40 093
(69 793)
(50 277)
20 752 (40 820)
20 066
Discretionary reserve Total changes
(49 727)
(50 279)
(50 279)
Balance at 31 March 2021
5 135
561 623 796 629 492 629 492
FASSET Annual Integrated Report 2020/21
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