fairly, ethically and legally. FASSET expects all constituents, representatives and employees to share in its commitment to high moral, ethical and legal standards and be aware of and adhere to FASSET’s Code of Conduct. Procedures are in place to deal with any breach of the Code of Conduct, but these are still to be tested. HEALTH SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES The pressing need to address growing pressure on resources, and rising emissions and global temperatures, is almost universally accepted. FASSET subscribes to the philosophy that small, sustainable actions make a big impact on the climate crisis and this belief forms the basis of the FASSET Environmental Policy and its implementation plan, enacted during the 2016/2017 financial year. Despite the relatively low environmental impact of FASSET, the policy seeks to ensure that the SETA’s business is conducted in a responsible, fair and honest manner, in keeping with regulations and codes of practice related to environmental protection. The policy concentrates on energy and water usage, and on printing while encouraging a culture of recycling and of managing and disposing of all waste responsibly. The year under review commenced just after South Africa went into a Level 5 lockdown as countries around the world faced the impacts of the global spread of Covid-19. FASSET acted swiftly, through procurement processes to secure and provide staff members with essential Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). All precautionary measures were taken throughout the year in accordance with the lockdown alert levels applicable - including work-from- home arrangements that would enable protection of staff from the pandemic. Importantly, FASSET was cognisant of the personal impact of Covid-19 on its staff and families, as well as pressures experienced by staff while working at home
To assist FASSET to give effect to its fraud prevention plan, stakeholders are encouraged to make use of the FASSET Tip-offs Hotline to notify FASSET of any suspected fraudulent activities impacting the SETA. The hotline is monitored monthly and all activities are reported at management meetings. Neither fraud nor corruption was reported in the period under review. MINIMISING CONFLICTOF INTEREST FASSET abides by the following principle: A constituent, representative or employee of FASSET who is directly or indirectly interested in any business of FASSET or the committee of which he/she is a member, or who holds any office, or possesses any property that might cause a conflict of interest or duties or such possible perception, must: • Declare such interest or potential conflict of interest; • Disclose, in writing, to the Board and CEO (in the case of an employee) any conflict of interest or duties, or possible perception of such, as soon as practicable after he/she becomes aware of the relevant facts and shall not participate in the discussion or of the decision taken; and • Not take part in any transaction between FASSET and any company, firm or enterprise in which he/she, or any member of his/her family, has an interest, without declaring such interest and having been specifically authorised by the Board to take part in the transaction. All disclosures made to a meeting of the Board, and related decisions and motivations, are recorded in the minutes of the meeting. CODE OF CONDUCT FASSET is committed to a policy of fair dealing and integrity in the conduct of its business. This commitment, which is actively endorsed by the Board, is based on a fundamental belief that FASSET’s affairs should be conducted honestly,
FASSET Annual Integrated Report 2020/21
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