inclusive approach ensures a SETA-wide understanding of the principles and multi-function application of the practices. It also facilitates governance leadership and accountability. The working groups benchmarked existing governance practices against King IV practices to identify areas for improvement. PORTFOLIO COMMITTEES The Portfolio Committee on Higher Education, Science and Technology exercises its oversight role over the SETAs through evaluating the performance of the public entity by interrogating their annual financial statements, performance information and other strategies tabled from time to time. The Standing Committee on Public Accounts (SCOPA) also reviews, from time to time, FASSET’s service delivery performance, financial performance and the audit reports of the external auditor. There were no engagements between FASSET and SCOPA in the current financial year. EXECUTIVE AUTHORITY

FASSET is also required to conclude annually a Service Level Agreement with the Executive Authority which encompasses deliverables on the performance and required reports on its activities. THE ACCOUNTINGAUTHORITY: THE BOARD The FASSET Board is the Accounting Authority as required in terms of the FASSET constitution, and it fulfils certain duties and responsibilities as provided for in the PFMA and Skills Development Act, 97 of 1998, as amended. The Minister of Higher Education and Training appointed a new Board for a 5-year period (2020 – 2025) during the year under review. The new board’s term of office started on 1 April 2020 which coincided with the beginning of the year under review. The Board performs oversight of the affairs of FASSET as well as retaining full and effective control and management of FASSET in accordance with applicable legislation. The Board is also responsible for the formulation and review of the strategic direction of FASSET. The Board ensures that FASSET delivers on the requirements of the Skills Development Act, 97 of 1998, amended; and adherence to the PFMA.

The Executive Authority of FASSET is the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology.

FASSET reports on the financial and non-financial performance to the Minister of Higher Education and Training. The Sector Skills Plan, Strategic Plan, and Annual Performance Plan are submitted on an annual basis to the DHEST.

FASSET Annual Integrated Report 2020/21


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