She reports that this learning opportunity “helped improve my skills as well as theoretical knowledge of the subject. It also taught me how to interact with people on a professional level, which makes it more personal for the client you are dealing with.” She offers a word of motivation for potential

learners with disabilities interested in FASSET-funded training opportunities of this nature, “you are strong and you are brave. There is a nobility of spirit within you. Let it grow!”

Joshua Rashopola Occupational Certificate: Tax Technician at The Tax Faculty

“I like to make things happen. This is just a situation, Joshua is still there, I still have the energy, I still have myself.”

Joshua uses an assistive device that helps him to communicate with his laptop; it is head-mouse that is linked to a bite switch. It translates the natural movements of his head into directly proportional mouse pointer movement; as he moves his head and the mouse pointer follows along. He is motivated to complete the training after which he would like to explore opportunities in the field. He had seven years of accounting and auditing work experience before his accident, and he strongly feels that this opportunity will open up work prospects and contribute to his career development. Joshua applauds his support team; his mother, his care worker David, and his very close friend since primary school, Jones. David assists Joshua 24/7 taking care of all his physical needs. Jones is his comrade, his companion and he also attends to Joshua’s IT needs. He describes his good friend Joshua as “down-to-earth, always finding the middle ground and ever smiling.” When asked about his strengths, Joshua said, “I like to make things happen. This is just a situation, Joshua is still there, I still have the energy, I still have myself.” He is looking forward to applying the knowledge and skills he is gaining from this learning opportunity.

Joshua was born and bred in Tshwane and still lives in the area. He completed a BCom Accounting degree at the University of Limpopo in 1993. His love for Accounting started when he was at school where his favourite subjects were Economics, Mathematics and Accounting. He was also very interested in Business Economics, but was unable to take it as a subject. His Grade 11 teacher who cultivated his love for Accounting and inspired him to excel in the subject and to think about a career in the field. In 2005 a friend who had an interior decorating business asked Joshua to take over the marketing role in the business; this opportunity lasted until 2010. At the time Joshua’s interest and sense for business also helped him to start a small transport business which was operational until 2015. He applied for the FASSET-funded training opportunity at TTF because he had gained an interest in Tax since his years at Deloitte. While he finds the training is challenging given his difficult circumstances he says: “I find the course material very valuable. It has opened my eyes a lot. I’m really grateful to Fasset for this opportunity”.

FASSET Annual Integrated Report 2020/21


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