22. Related parties Relationships


Controlling entity / Entities under common control

By virtue of the fact that FASSET is a National Public Entity controlled by DHEST, it is considered related to other SETAs, the QCTO and the NSF, public Universities,CET colleges and TVET colleges. The transactions are consistent with normal operating relationships between the entities and are undertaken on terms and conditions that are normal for such. This will include any transactions that may occur during the period under review recognised in the statement of financial performance, and balance outstanding at the reporting period recorded in the statement of financial position as well as any commited balance at reporting date. At reporting date committed amounts related to Public Universities,CET colleges and TVET colleges included in the notes to the financial statements amounts to R 0 ( R 89 126 181), R 0 ( 2020 R 1 140 000) and R 0 (2020 R640 000) respectively. Balances included in the statement of financial position relating to Public Universities and CET colleges amount to R3 920 227 ( 2020 R 2936 872) and R 270 000 (2020 R 0) at the reporting date. Basamandla Consulting (HB. Mathibela): Amount included in committement R 0 ( 2020 R 291 400) and amount included in the statement of financial position R 10 200 (2020 R 23 900) NERPO (NE. Nyathela-Mahanjana): Amount included in committement R 0 (2020 R 156 800) and amount included in the statement of financial position R 17 200 (2020 R 0) LEDA (MF. Mushwana) : Amount included in commitement R 0 ( 2020 R 1 650 000) and amount included in statement of financial position R 492 849 (2020 R 0)

Members of the Accounting Authority whose Entities are beneficiaries of FASSET Grants

Members of Accounting Authority

L. Ntuli (Chairperson) R.I Singo HB. Mathibela NE. Nyathela-Mahanjana

J. Maboa X. Lingani MF. Mushwana M. Metuse P. Ngwenya T. Phatlane P. Khumalo T. Masemola M. Magasa N. Mapiloko

Members of key management

A. Mafuleka (CEO) E. Thobejane (COO) Z. Alli (CFO) E. Boomgaard(Research Director) M. Matlosa (Director Corporate Services) MP Nhlapho

FASSET Annual Integrated Report 2020/21


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