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Table 25: Programme 3: Strategic Objective 3 (2015-2020) Strategic Objective 3 (2015 – 2020)

• Modernise libraries in terms of technological transformation.

Objective Statement

• Upgrade libraries by providing 100 libraries with free access to the public for internet, electronic information in libraries; and implementation of Mzansi online project. • ICT hardware installed in 3 libraries. • 6 electronic databases subscribed to the implemented Mzansi ICT online project in 15 Emfuleni libraries. • Create opportunities for Gauteng communities in terms of providing information for research, study and applying for jobs online. • During 2018/19, 5 subscriptions for libraries were renewed and 16 libraries were upgraded with ICT infrastructure. • During 2019/20, 5 subscriptions for libraries were renewed and 21 libraries were upgraded with ICT infrastructure. • TMR Strategy • To implement 3 provincial library programmes to instil a culture of reading, critical thinking and well-informed communities; 458 library books procured. • 3 reading programmes implemented and 178 library materials procured. • To create awareness of library services and to develop critical skills needed to succeed in life (public speaking); and promote healthy lifestyle. • A total of 3 reading programmes were implemented. The department also procured 158 books during the 2018/19 ¿ nancial year. • A total of 3 reading programmes were implemented; the Born to Read Programme was implemented in 10 ECD centres, clinics, community halls and municipal halls which bene ¿ tted a total of 493 participants (163 male and 330 female) during the 2019/20 ¿ nancial year. The department also procured160 books during the 2019/20 ¿ nancial year. • TMR Strategy • Inculcate the culture of reading in order to enhance knowledge.


Justi ¿ cation


Progress to-date

Table 26: Programme 3: Strategic Objective 4 (2015-2020) Strategic Objective 4 (2015 – 2020)

Objective Statement


Justi ¿ cation


Progress to-date

Table 27: Programme 3: Strategic Objective 5 (revised 2019/20) Strategic Objective 5

• Preserve the knowledge base and provide access to Gauteng archival records. • To construct and resource the archive centre; to ensure preservation and accessibility of the archival records in the province.

Objective Statement


• Construction of the archive centre in progress.

Justi ¿ cation

• The objective will contribute to preservation of archival records of the province for posterity and access to different sources of information for decision making.


• This is a constitutional mandate.

Progress to-date

• The Archive Centre in Kagiso, Mogale City became operational during the 2018/19 ¿ nancial year. • A total of 2 974 Gauteng archival records were preserved as well as 26 579 was received by the archives during the 2019/20 ¿ nancial year.



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