127363 Gauteng Sports 2020.indb
Table 36: Programme 1: Administration expenditure, 2019/20...................................................................82 Table 37: Provincial Arts in School Festival Winners, 2019/20................................................................... 87 Table 38: Programme 2: Cultural Affairs, 2019/20 - Strategic Objectives................................................... 97 Table 39: Programme 2: Sub-programme: Creative Arts - Programme Performance Indicators................ 99 Table 40: Programme 2: Sub-programme: Creative Arts - changes to planned targets, 2019/20 ............ 101 Table 41: Programme 2: Creative Industries - Programme Performance Indicators ................................ 102 Table 42: Programme 2: Creative Industries - changes to planned targets, 2019/20............................... 106 Table 43: Programme 2: Museums and Heritage, Programme Performance Indicators .......................... 107 Table 44: Programme 2: Cultural Affairs Sub-programmes expenditure, 2019/20 .................................. 112 Table 45: Programme 3: Library Information and Archival Services – Strategic Objectives ..................... 117 Table 46: Programme 3: Library and Archival Services – Performance Indicators................................... 118 Table 47: Programme 3: Library and Archival Services - changes to planned targets, 2019/20 .............. 123 Table 48: Programme 3: Library and Archival Services expenditure, 2019/20 ......................................... 124 Table 49: Gauteng Sport Awards Categories, 2019/20............................................................................. 128 Table 50: Programme 4: Sport and Recreation, Sub-Programme Competitive Sport – changes to planned targets, 2019/20 (9 new projects) ............................................................. 133 Table 51: 16 schools that participated during the Girl Child Mini World Cup, 8 August 2019 ................... 137 Table 52: Programme 4: Sport and Recreation - Strategic objectives ...................................................... 140 Table 53: Programme 4: Sport and Recreation - Performance Indicators ................................................ 141 Table 54: Programme 4: Sport Development and Coordination - changes to planned targets, 2019/20 ...................................................................................................... 144 Table 55: Programme 4: Competitive Sport - Programme Performance Indicators.................................. 145 Table 56: Programme 4: Sub-programme Competitive Sport - changes to planned targets 2019/20 ...... 146 Table 57: Programme 4: Sub-programme Recreation - Programme Performance indicators .................. 146 Table 58: Programme 4: Sub-programme Recreation - changes to planned targets 2019/20 ................. 149 Table 59: Programme 4: Sub-programme School Sport - Programme Performance Indicators............... 149 Table 60: Programme 4: Sub-programme School Sport - 5 changes to planned targets 2019/20 ........... 152 Table 61: Programme 4: Sub-programmes expenditure 2019/20............................................................. 154 Table 62: Transfer payments made 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020 for Programme 2 ............................. 155 Table 63: Transfer payments made 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020 for Programme 4 ............................. 156 Table 64: Transfer payments budgeted 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020 but no transfer made ................. 157 Table 65: Transfer payments made 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020 Grant-in-Aid - Programme 2: Arts and Culture Organisations ......................................................................... 157 Table 66: Transfer payments made 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020 Grant-in-Aid - Programme 4: Sport and Recreation ........................................................................................ 160 Table 67: Transfer payments (Grant-in-Aid) budgeted 1 April 2019 to 31 March 2020 but no payments made - Sport and Recreation ........................................................................ 162
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