127363 Gauteng Sports 2020.indb
Current/actual complaints mechanisms Desired complaints mechanism Actual achievements Social media platforms; letters of complaint to the executive authority, Accounting Of ¿ cer and Head of Communications. Social media platforms, letters of complaint to the executive authority, Accounting Of ¿ cer and Head of Communications. Social media platforms, letters of complaint to the executive authority, Accounting Of ¿ cer and Head of Communications.
Current/actual information tools Desired information tools Actual achievements
Direct contact through e-mail and telephonically with Head of Programmes: Chief Director, Sport and Recreation and Cultural Affairs at Head Of ¿ ce, 35 Rissik Street: Surrey House Building, Johannesburg.
The department held meetings, seminars, conferences, indabas, izimbizo and
intergovernmental relations forums with sport, arts and culture organisations, community libraries, local government, civil structures and communities. Departmental website Continuous update of the departmental website The departmental website was maintained and updated throughout the year. Annual Report and Citizens’ Report Printing and distribution of Annual Report and Citizens’ Report
Annual Reports are published on the departmental website and printed and distributed to relevant
stakeholders while the Annual Citizen’s Reports are printed, published and distributed at DSACR. events.
Direct contact through e-mail and telephonically with Head of Programmes: Chief Director, Sport and Recreation and Cultural affairs at Head Of ¿ ce, 35 Rissik Street: Surrey House Building, Johannesburg.
Social media platforms, newsletters, circulars, proceedings and media advertisements
Direct contact through e-mail and telephonically with Head of Programmes: Chief Director, Sport and Recreation and Cultural Affairs at Head Of ¿ ce, 35 Rissik Street: Surrey House Building, Johannesburg
Social media platforms, newsletters, circulars, proceedings and media advertisements
Table 14: Service delivery information tools
Table 15: Complaints mechanisms
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