127363 Gauteng Sports 2020.indb
normally identi ¿ ed as records older than 20 years and of enduring value and are therefore earmarked for transfer to the Archives Repository. These are the records that the Gauteng Provincial Archives will be preserving for public access and as the memory of the province. The Gauteng Provincial Archives Repository therefore serves as a reservoir for the archival heritage of the Gauteng Province for many years to come. As the most populous province, Gauteng is one of the biggest producers of records in the country. Gauteng administrators ¿ nd it dif ¿ cult to retrieve the information needed to formulate, implement and monitor policy and to manage key personnel and ¿ nancial resources. This impedes the capacity to carry out economic and administrative reform programmes aimed at achieving ef ¿ ciency, accountability and enhanced services to citizens. Moreover, the decline and in some cases total collapse of record keeping systems makes it virtually impossible to determine responsibility for actions and to hold individuals accountable. All aspects of public service, including health, education, pensions, land and judicial rights depend upon well- kept and well-managed records. Advocacy of transformation in sport and recreation is intended inter alia to develop talented athletes from previously disadvantaged communities by providing them with opportunities to excel and become high performance athletes who can achieve success in international sport. Since the onset of democracy in 1994, South Africa’s national and provincial governments have ensured that the developmental role and importance of sport remains high on the country’s political and socio-economic transformation agenda. Democratic governance in South Africa and Gauteng Province is premised on the ideology that shared and equitable social and economic development will create a better life for all; and that a focus on one aspect (e.g. social) at the expense of the other (e.g. economic) will render all developmental intentions and interventions ineffective. PROGRAMME 4: SPORT AND RECREATION
In 2007, GPG adopted a “GPG Sport Development Policy Framework” that guided all GPG’s sport programmes and initiatives. In 2011, the Policy Framework was further enhanced into a Gauteng Sport Policy and a Gauteng Sport Plan and was adopted by the GPG Executive Council (EXCO). The Kazar Action Plan was adopted in 2017, the New Dawn and Thuma Mina strategic approach of South Africa’s African National Congress (ANC)- led democratic government. the political priorities of national government and the GPG for the 6th term of governance, the GPG’s “Growing Gauteng Together-Roadmap towards 2030” and the National Development Plan – Vision 2030 (NDP). Policies and plans have been revised to re À ect the current strategic thrusts and political imperatives more directly. Likewise, the expected outcomes have been revised to align with the commitments made by the Premier of Gauteng in his July 2019 State of the Province Address (SOPA). Challenges experienced include lack of facilities and poor maintenance of facilities; water safety programmes: swimming pools in the township areas are not maintained and therefore it is challenging for the programme to expand; Most federations do not have full time staff and this impacts on the expansion and sustainability of sport development programmes. Funds from the equitable share are required for the sustainability of the development of sport in communities. Sport councils in communities need to be supported and sustained. Although challenges exist, the sport development programmes still create opportunities for athletes, players, coaches and technical personnel to participate at various levels. The club development programme contributes to clubs playing leagues on a continuous basis. It gives clubs an opportunity to compete at various levels from local level to provincial level. Players and athletes are also selected through these leagues to represent their regions, the province at national level and/ or international level. The Academy programme assists in talent identi ¿ cation by educating coaches on how to identify talent, new coaching methods and through strength and conditioning programmes. Athletes from local level are supported with training
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