127363 Gauteng Sports 2020.indb


7.3 National and provincial policy mandates The National Development Plan (NDP), aims to eradicate poverty and reduce inequality by 2030, the Medium- Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) 2014-2019 and the Provincial Programme of Transformation, Modernisation and Re-industrialisation (TMR) are the key policy mandates that the departmental plan responds to. The department is also guided by several national and provincial policy mandates.

Table 7: Provincial policy mandates Provincial


Competitive Sport Strategy

• Attracting and hosting major events and talent identi ¿ cation • Economic growth stimulation and high performance sport • Positioning Gauteng as the home of competitive sport, with quality sporting facilities that are accessible to everyone in the province. • Ensures that Gauteng Provincial Government (GPG) invests in and supports the sector in promoting access, equity and redress. • Fosters the necessary co-operation, partnership and integration between all spheres of government; relevant line function departments and other sectors of society and targets or bene ¿ ts communities. • Compels government to make an impact on economic growth, social and cultural development and tourism through targeting the development of the cultural industries. • Is fundamental to the management of our diverse language resources and the achievement of government’s goal to promote democracy, justice, equity and national unity. The promotion of all the of ¿ cial 11 languages of our country, as provided for in the Constitution, takes centre stage in the policy framework. • Emphasises an increased and focused commitment and participation at all levels of sport in order to reap the socio-economic bene ¿ ts. It also outlines the interdependencies necessary for the smooth implementation of a system with clear de ¿ nitions of authority, responsibility and accountability combined for the advancement of sport and recreation. • Focuses on streamlining the overall provision of sport in Gauteng under the leadership of SACR in compliance with its constitutional mandate and obligations and in partnership with all other role-players. • Draws on the national goal expressed in the September 2010 Draft White Paper on Sport and Recreation of an active and winning nation. • Encapsulates DSACR’s commitment to increasing participation numbers, with a focus on human capital development from grassroots entry level to excellence • Allows for a sports system that demonstrates real and measurable social and economic impact on the province. • Focuses on a structured pathway model that provides guidance and principles to optimise the development of participants at all ages and stages. • Focuses on the establishment of minimum standards for the planning, construction, operation, maintenance and management of sport and recreation facilities and infrastructure in South Africa. • Develops the creative industries to maximise their contribution to economic growth, community development and urban regeneration. • Provides a coordinating framework for investment and implementation of the creative industry programmes in the province. • Aligns creative industry activities with the Gauteng Growth and Development Strategy.

Gauteng Integrated Sports Development Strategy

Revised White Paper on Arts, Culture and Heritage, 2017

National Language Policy Framework, 2003

Revised White Paper on Sports and Recreation, 2017

National Sport and Recreation Plan

Gauteng Sport Policy and Sport Plan

Long Term Participant Development Framework

Norms and Standards for Sport and Recreation Infrastructure Provision and Management Gauteng Creative Industries Development Framework, 2007



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