127363 Gauteng Sports 2020.indb
4.5 Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) The department did not enter into any PPPs during the year under review. 4.6 Supply Chain Management (SCM) The department did not receive or approve any unsolicited bids during the year under review. To ensure stringent SCM discipline during procurement, to prevent irregular expenditure and to strengthen the control environment, the following initiatives have been implemented: • Emphasis on planning for procurement with the introduction of Demand Management plans. • Setting and enforcement of adequate procurement lead times. • Revised process À ow and enforcement of a compliance check list within SCM. • Introduction of a re-engineered process À ow within the SCM unit. • Capacitating the unit with four interns. • Challenges experienced in SCM and how they were resolved. • Lack of capacity within the SCM unit remains a major challenge for the department. Key senior and middle management posts remained vacant for most of the ¿ nancial year. 4.7 Gifts and Donations received in kind from non-related parties During the 2019/20 ¿ nancial year, the department received a range of donations and goods relevant to implementing its service delivery programmes; these are listed in Annexure H to the ¿ nancial statements. The department also made donations in the form of contributions to memorial service logistics for sport, arts and culture icons and to families of employees who passed away during the 2019/20 ¿ nancial year; details of these are given in Annexure J to the ¿ nancial statements.
5. Exemptions and deviations received from the National Treasury Because of the COVID-19 outbreak, Provincial Treasury on 5 May 2020 issued a communication giving departments and relevant entities a two- month extension to submit their Annual Reports, Audited Annual Financial Statements and AGSA Audit and Management Reports to Provincial Treasury as per section 40(1)(d) of the PFMA. This required the audited documents to be printed and published by 30 October 2020 instead of by 31 August (the normal six months after the end of the ¿ nancial year). 6. Events after the reporting date The country has since the reporting date been plagued by the COVID-19 pandemic which has had negative effects across all spheres of government and all people. The department has done internal reprioritisation within its budget for the 2020/21 ¿ nancial year to an estimated amount of R6.5 million to address internal personal protective equipment (PPE) for staff in order for operations to continue within the department. 7. Other The department continued with implementation of the 2018 approved organisational structure to strengthen and fully realise the objectives of the Corridor model of bringing services closer to communities. National elections for the 6th Administration took place during the reporting year, on 8 May 2019, and Premier David Makhura appointed Ms Mbali Hlophe as Member of the Executive Council (MEC) for Department of Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation on 29 May 2019. During this reporting period the HOD’s contract was shortened; and the Chief Director: Corporate Services resigned. Mr. Vuyani Mpofu was seconded from the Gauteng Department of Education as Acting Head of Department on 15 November 2019. During the period, the CFO, Director Supply Chain and Director Facilities were suspended. Mr. OmphitlhetseMaforawas appointed Acting Chief Financial Of ¿ cer; the Director: Supply
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