127363 Gauteng Sports 2020.indb


The department continued to invest in and support the business of sport by training 1 184 people to improve school sport, club development and recreation programmes in the Province in partnership with the Department of Education. In partnership with the Department of Education, we revived the Wednesday Leagues programme and introduced new programmes such as the Girl Child games and Farm, and Rural Schools festival. The Gauteng Sport Awards and the sixth edition of the Mandela Remembrance Walk and Run were also hosted during the year under review. In pursuit of good governance, we worked to reduce and eliminate irregular, fruitless and wasteful expenditure and increased our success rate in paying valid invoices within 30 days of invoicing. The implementation of targets for the last month of 2019/20 was abruptly interrupted by the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic which has sent shockwaves around the world, completely upsetting all aspects of life. The sport and cultural sector were no exceptions during this period.

Building a democratic developmental state requires the efforts of government, the private sector and the overall community. In this context, opportunities for arts, sport, culture and recreation play an integral role in promoting social cohesion and nation building in the Gauteng Province. The department is pleased to give an account of the contribution it made in the 2019/20 ¿ nancial year to this important objective.

Ms. Mbali Hlophe Member of the Executive Council Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation



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