127363 Gauteng Sports 2020.indb


7. DONOR FUNDS 7.1 Donor Funds Received No donor funding was received during 2019/20. 8. CAPITAL INVESTMENT 8.1 Progress made on implementing The department regards investment in the delivery of infrastructure for the sport, art, culture and recreation sector as an important instrument in driving provincial development objectives such as economic transformation and employment creation. The department also recognises that the nature of construction projects resulting from such investment has signi ¿ cant potential for local development and employment opportunities. In order to address the above, a Project Steering Committee was established between the Department and GDID. The department will re-submit an approved IPMP to GDID. The infrastructure projects completed during the reporting year; in comparison to what was planned at the beginning of the year exceeded 50%. The following infrastructure progress was made during 2019/20: • Kokosi and Atteridgeville Libraries: Occupancy Certi ¿ cates obtained. Occupancy Certi ¿ cates for Impumelelo, Boipatong, Akasia and Rust Ter Vaal Occupancy Certi ¿ cates not obtained. • DSACR ‘s submission of approved Infrastructure Asset Management Plan (I-AMP) as a request for service to GDID. • DSACR submitted I-AMP documentation to GDID as a request for service for project implementation. • Appointment of PSPs for completion of design documentation and tender documentation for 3 planned library projects (Mullerstuine, Kocksoord and Zuurberkom) not achieved. the capital investment, maintenance and asset management plan

In the year under review, the department prepared credible infrastructure plans and business cases. However, the infrastructure portfolio of the department is not performing well mainly due to the following reasons: • Community disruptions during site brie ¿ ng and construction works. • Poor quality construction works by main contractor and sub-contractors. • Works rate disputes between main contractor and sub-contractors. • Poor quality documentation from PSP’s during tender stage. • Late payment of sub-contractors by main contractors. • Eskom connection delays. • IPIP not submitted by GDID Implementing Agent for project implementation readiness to DSACR. • DSACR-SCM delays on appointment of PSP for Mullerstuine, Kocksoord and Zuurbekom.



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