127363 Gauteng Sports 2020.indb
Reasons for the funds unspent by the entity N/A
Yes R 59 659.00 Implementation pending due to Omama Besxaxa Foundation NPO Arts recreation programmes Yes R 59 659.00 R 59 659.00 N/A Performing Arts and Culture Development paid during the 2019/20 4th quarter. N/A Qhakazani Manzezulu Primary Co-operative Limited Yes R 59 659.00 R 59 659.00 N/A the national lockdown.
NPO Festival and events programme Yes R 59 659.00 R 59 659.00 N/A N/A
Culture Development Organisation NPO Multi discipline programmes Yes R 59 659.00 TBC as the organisation was Lucky Dance Theatre NPO Dance and choreography programme Yes R 59 659.00 R 59 659.00 An amount of R50.09 remained in the bank as a result of bank charges N/A paid during the 2019/20 4th quarter. N/A
NPO Organisational Funding Yes R 59 659.00 TBC as the organisation was and education and training programme NPO Dance and choreography programme Yes R 59 659.00 R 59 659.00 N/A
Mantimakhulu (PTY) LTD PTY LTD Theatre project Yes R 59 659.00 R 59 659.00 N/A
Amount transferred Amount spent by the entity
paid during the 2019/20 4th quarter.
paid during the 2019/20 4th quarter.
paid during the 2019/20 4th quarter.
NPO Theatre project Yes R 59 659.00 TBC as the organisation was
Nkgo Ya Metsi NPO Theatre project Yes R 59 659.00 TBC as the organisation was Ntivo Consulting CC CC Festival and events programme
Lahlamlenze Records cc CC Multi discipline programmes Yes R 59 659.00 TBC as the organisation was Le Mbali Arts and
s 38 (1) (j) of the PFMA
comply with
Did the dept.
were used
Purpose for which the funds
Name of transferee Type of organisation
PTY LTD Visual arts, jewellery design
Sekunjalo Theatre Vibrant
Lwazi le Lwazi Arts and Culture NPO
Kideology Children
Performing Arts and
Theatre Development
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