127363 Gauteng Sports 2020.indb


Reasons for deviations

Provincial Sport and Recreation plan approved The policy was presented at the Technical Committee meeting on 4 March 2020 at Gauteng Provincial Treasury, Johannesburg in preparation for tabling at EXCO. EXCO did not meet during the fourth quarter of 2019/20. The policy to be presented during the 2020/21 ¿ nancial year. Number of community multipurpose sport facilities constructed The ¿ rst ¿ ve proposed multipurpose sport facilities ¿ nal list was con ¿ rmed on 19 September 2019. The proposed areas are Vischkuil, KwaThema Stadium, Matlhasedi Primary School, Bophelong sport complex and Green Park area. However, exact site locations have not been identi ¿ ed. Late con ¿ rmation and ¿ nalisation of school names, and internal procurement delays in appointing professional service providers (surveyors, geo- tech engineers for planning) resulted in the inability to implement the project.

Strategy to overcome areas of under-performance

Provincial Sport and Recreation plan approved The policy is to be presented to EXCO in the new ¿ nancial year.

Number of community multipurpose sport facilities constructed DSACR to submit business cases per project for approval by GPT and DSACR to procure PSPs in the 2020/21 ¿ nancial year. Changes to planned targets, 2019/20 The following two Programme 4: Sport and Recreation targets were added/ amended to the adjusted 2019/20 APP. Table 54: Programme 4: Sport and Recreation, sub-programme Sport Development and Coordination – changes to planned targets, 2019/20 PERFORMANCE INDICATOR TYPE OF ADJUSTMENT TOTAL 2019/20 Provincial Sport and Recreation Plan approved New target added Provincial Sport and Recreation Plan approved Number of community multipurpose sport facilities constructed Facilities reduced Facilities reduced from 10 to 5



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