127363 Gauteng Sports 2020.indb
4.4 Sport and Recreation 4.4.1 Sport Development and Coordination
medical professionals, sport scienti ¿ c support staff and athletes. The department provided ¿ nancial support to 6 sport academies by promoting functionality and sustainability to athletes at a regional level as follows: West Rand District at the Simunye Gym, Rand West City Municipality; Tshwane District at the University of Pretoria High Performance Centre, Pretoria; Johannesburg District at the University of Johannesburg Human Movement Studies Stadium, New Doornfontein; Sedibeng District at the Cecil Oldridge Park, Emfuleni Municipality, Vanderbijlpark; Ekurhuleni District at Germiston stadium, Delville, Germiston; and the Provincial District at 35 Rissik Street, Johannesburg. The department provided administrative support to 6 sport focused schools with sport science testing for the athletes as well as equipment. The schools supported were Nigel High School in Ekurhuleni, General Smuts High School based in Sedibeng, Krugersdorp High School in West Rand, Queens High School in Johannesburg, Prestige High School in Tshwane and Tukssport High School in Tshwane. The O.R Tambo Soncini Social Cohesion Games (1 provincial selection) took place from 26-27 October 2019 at Germiston Stadium Precinct with a total of 1 458 under-17 participants (738 male and 720 female) including 91 PWDs (61 male and 30 female). An Italian team of swimmers and athletics also participated in the games with 16 athletes (4 male and 12 female) and supported by four management staff. The provincial team (6 regional selections) consisted of the 5 Gauteng municipalities (West Rand District, City of Tshwane Metro, Sedibeng District, City of Ekurhuleni Metro and City of Johannesburg Metro, and the School Sport Provincial team that participated in the O.R Tambo Soncini Social Cohesion games. The federations prepared the technical package to guide the rules of the games for participation by the different sport codes, bene ¿ tting a total of 1 458 people (738male and 720 female) as follows: football 240 people (120 male and 120 female); netball 72 female participants; rugby 210 people (138 male and 72 female); basketball 144 people (72 male
Sport Development and Coordination involves the identi ¿ cation, development and nurturing of sport talent so that athletes and of ¿ cials can compete at regional, provincial, national and international levels. To accomplish this, the club development, academy programme and O.R Tambo Soncini Social Cohesion Games were implemented as follows in the period under review. Academy Programme The academy/high performance programme is aimed at providing support to athletes in the provincial and regional academy programmes such as training programmes for coaches and support for the provincial and regional academies. The codes supported are swimming, boxing, netball, rugby, athletics, rowing and sport for people with physical disabilities. During the 2019/20 ¿ nancial year, the sport academy provided support to 1 824 athletes (920 male and 904 female). The department provided athletes with sport science testing and medical support, transport, coaching, training, participation in inter-provincial tournaments and nutritional advice. All 7 codes listed above were supported through the academy programme. Coaches training programmes were designed to assist the club academy programme by equipping coaches with the ability to identify and develop athletic talent and to provide high performance coaching. In this reporting period, the department conducted regional coaching seminars in all 5 Corridors, attracting 624 coaches (408 male and 216 female). That included the International Coaches Congress for Sport Performance with the theme “TechnologyAdvances inmaximizingSporting performance and potential” held from 23–24 August 2019 at Future Africa, University of Pretoria. The training aimed at assisting coaches in monitoring and evaluating athletes’ performance on and off the ¿ eld. The training bene ¿ tted sport professionals, elite sports coaches, high-performance managers,
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