127363 Gauteng Sports 2020.indb
Reasons for deviations
Number of unsung heroes and heroines of the liberation struggle commemorated The indicator was captured incorrectly as it should read, “Number of unsung heroes and heroines of the liberation struggle identi ¿ ed”. Strategy to overcome areas of under- performance Number of Gauteng heritage sites provisionally declared The remaining 6 heritage sites will be reviewed during 2020/21 for possible grading and provisional declaration. If lockdown is still in effect in the ¿ rst three quarters of 2020/21, the planned targets could be implemented to the fourth quarter. However, if the pandemic continues in the fourth quarter of that ¿ nancial year, the targets may need to be forfeited as moving them to the following ¿ nancial year will have a negative impact to plans and budgets. Number of Geographical Naming System Advocacy campaigns held The campaigns will be implemented during the 2020/21 ¿ nancial year as part of the renaming process. Number of signi ¿ cant days celebrated The signi ¿ cant days will continue to be implemented as planned during 2020/21. Number of prominent heroes and heroines of the liberation struggle commemorated Commemoration of the heroine Vesta Smith will be implemented in 2020/21 ¿ nancial year. Number of community structures supported (sector indicator) Payment to the Sport and Recreation organisation will be made in 2020/21 once it has submitted the required documentation. Number of provincial social cohesion summit hosted (sector indicator) Funding will be requested to be carried over to 2020/21 to host the summit as soon as is permitted.
Number of Gauteng heritage sites provisionally declared The Declarations Committee could have approved the required 6 applications to reach the 2019/20 annual target as 11 applications were ready for review. The meeting was scheduled for 26 March 2020; however, members requested the meeting to be postponed due to COVID-19 regulations. Number of Geographical Naming System Advocacy campaigns held The remaining 3 campaigns for 2019/20 were planned for end of March 2020 to achieve the annual target. The campaigns were cancelled due to the COVID-19 National Disaster Regulations and lockdown. Number of signi ¿ cant days celebrated The commemoration of the Winterveldt massacre was cancelled following the regulations of the national disaster period due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Number of prominent heroes and heroines of the liberation struggle commemorated The celebration of the life of Vesta Smith was postponed due to the announcement of the national disaster by the President of the country in March 2020. Number of community structures supported (sector indicator) One Sport and Recreation organisation did not submit all the required documentation on time resulting in the payment not being processed. Number of provincial social cohesion summit hosted (sector indicator) The department scheduled to host the social cohesion summit on 27March 2020 at the Sunnyside Conference Centre. Logistical arrangements were in progress; however, they could not be ¿ nalised due to the regulations imposed to combat COVID-19.
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