117859 GDE APP 201920 6th proof 26 July
Part B: Programme & Sub-Programme Plans
Annual 6 - - - 6
PPM609: Number of hostels built. Annual N/A - - - N/A PPM610: Number of schools where scheduled maintenance projects were completed. Annual 10 - - - 10
Annual 30 - - - 30
Annual 14 - - - 14
Annual 60 - - - 60
Reporting Period Quarterly Targets 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Annual N/A - - - N/A Annual Target 2019/20
Annual 175 - - - 175
Annual N/A - - - N/A
Annual N/A - - - N/A
PPM605: Number of additional specialist rooms built in public ordinary schools (includes replacement schools). PPM606: Number of new schools completed and ready for occupation (includes replacement schools). PPM607: Number of new schools under construction (includes replacement schools). PPM608: Number of new or additional Grade R classrooms built (includes those in replacement schools).
PPM602: Number of public ordinary schools provided with electricity supply. PPM603: Number of public ordinary schools supplied with sanitation facilities. PPM604: Number of additional classrooms built in, or provided for, existing public ordinary schools (includes replacement schools).
B6.3 Programe Performance Measure Quarterly Targets Programme Performance Measure PPM601: Number of public ordinary schools provided with water supply.
Annual Performance Plan 2019/20 | 89
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