117859 GDE APP 201920 6th proof 26 July
A12.2 Reconciling Expenditure Trends to Strategic Outcome-orientated goals The Department’s budget has grown from R45,2 billion in 2018/19 to R49,8 billion in 2019/20. The budget grew by R4,5 billion which amounts to a 10.1% increase. The budget is estimated to grow at an average rate of 8.4% over the 2019 MTEF to a total of R57,5 billion in 2021/22. The budget grew by 37.2% from 2015/16 to 2019/20, a rand value increase of R13,5 billion over a series of five years. Public Ordinary School Education received 74.9% of the Department’s total allocated budget followed by Administration’s 7.7%, Public Special School Education 7.0%, Infrastructure Development 3.9%, Examinations and Education Related Services 3.0%, Early Childhood Development 1.7% and Independent Schools Subsidies 1.7%. Current expenditure, Compensation of employees (CoE) accounts for the largest portion of the Department’s total allocated budget. The CoE budget grew from R33,7 billion in 2018/19 to R37,3 billion in 2019/20 an increase of 10.8% (R3,6 billion). The increase in compensation of employees is mainly attributed to the filling of all key vacant posts and providing for inflation related salary increases. The second largest budget item under current expenditure is allocated to Goods and Services. The goods and services budget grew from R5,4 billion in 2018/19 to R6,2 billion in 2019/20, a rand value increase of R788 million which amounts to 14.4%. The increase in goods and services can be attributed to inflationary increases in educational services and inputs. The Transfers and Subsidy allocation decreased from R4,4 billion in 2018/19 to R4,2 billion which translates to rand value decrease of R143 million or 3.2%. This item provides subsidies to public and subsidised independent schools. The budget for the Payment for Capital Assets increased from R1,5 billion in 2018/19 to R1,8 billion in 2019/20. The Department will continue to address the backlog of classrooms, refurbishment and maintenance of schools as well as providing ICT compliant infrastructure to cater for e-learning. Public school expenditure remains the GDE main priority and all efforts will be made to ensure a high standard of service delivery marked by integrity, honesty and trust. Spending on intervention strategies and the Standard Based Assessments will be continued to ensure that quality education is provided to all learners.
Post Provisioning Table Programmes/Purpose of posts Posts distributed by model Public Ordinary School Education Public Primary Schools Public Secondary Phase Public Special School Education
Posts allocated to schools via the post provisioning norms
Posts PL1 Posts PL2 Posts PL3 Posts PL4
43,864 26,999 16,865
9,076 5,078 3,998
2,841 1,688 1,153
2,076 1,440
57,857 35,205 22,652
636 131
52 | Annual Performance Plan 2019/20
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