117859 GDE APP 201920 6th proof 26 July
Priority 5: Provincial, National, Regional and International Learner Assessments
Gauteng schools and learners have actively participated in various assessment studies and Olympiads, motivating learners to excel at various subjects and disciplines and stimulating an interest and motivation to pursue certain study fields and possible careers. The Department will continue to identify talented learners to participate in Olympiads and various educational competitions through their respective schools. The Department will also implement new and innovative ways of assessing learners through the National Integrated Assessment Framework for Grades 3, 6 and 9 as a replacement for ANA.
Priority 6: Skills for a Changing World including Technical High Schools
The Department will introduce several new technology subjects and specialisations in identified Technical Secondary Schools. The new subjects include Technical Mathematics, Technical Sciences, Maritime Sciences, Aviation Studies and Mining Sciences.
The province will focus on:
• Increased participation and success rates in MST Subjects; • Technical schools in each circuit across all districts; • Schools of Specialisation across all districts; and • GEC qualification framework and GEC examination.
Priority 7: Fourth Industrial Revolution, ICT and E-learning
Ensure e-Learning Capabilities is available in GPG Classrooms
• The Department will consolidate all Grade 11 and 12 classrooms and complete them before the end of the 2019/20 financial year. • Learner Solution: 38 000 Grade 8 – 12 learners in Full ICT Schools will be provided with learner tablets pre-loaded with content. The e-Learning Directorate will also conduct annual mediation sessions in all Full ICT schools. These sessions will focus on accessing ICT Resources that will enhance learning in the classroom • Teacher Solution: 5 000 Grade 10 teachers will be provided with teacher laptops as part of the e-Learning roll out for 2019/2020 • Mobile Classrooms: The Department will further accelerate ICT infrastructure in Grades 10-12 by providing 415 mobile classrooms with mobile teaching and learning solutions The Department will further develop teachers and learners in ICT schools, by establishing training teams that will manage e-learning at their respective schools. This will help to bring these selected schools closer to achieving the vision of “schools of the future”. An intensive SMT training programme will be developed to orientate and train teachers/managers on the integrated use of technology to improve curriculum delivery in the classroom.
28 | Annual Performance Plan 2019/20
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