117859 GDE APP 201920 6th proof 26 July
Part A: General Information & Strategic Overview
A9. Plans of the Department in the next 5 years
The 2019/20 Annual Performance Plan outlines the priorities of the Department over the 2019 MTEF.
A9.1 Strategies to Address Provincial Outputs The Department’s programmes will focus on developing the creativity of Gauteng’s young and working people, by building their skills and capacities. Skill development amongst our youth is critical to the eradication of poverty, unemployment and inequality. Quality education and skills development will form the core of all aspects of the Department’s plans. • Prioritise policies and strategies targeting the achievement of quality teaching and learning outcomes by enhancing the skills and competencies of educators, including the school management team comprising the school principal, deputy principal and subject heads. • Prepare to make 2 years of early childhood development compulsory for all children. • Appoint adequately qualified educators whose subject content knowledge is at required levels, develop their skills and enforce accountability.•Replace unsafe and inadequate school buildings and sanitation facilities. • Implement a mass apprenticeship programme across the economy. • Work to achieve universal access to two years of ECD, which would include two years of compulsory quality pre-school enrolment for 4 and 5-year olds before Grade 1. • Implement the new innovative way of assessing learners through the National Integrated Assessment Framework for Grades 3, 6 and 9 as a replacement for ANA. • Amend the curriculum and provide the necessary resources to prepare learners for the 4th Industrial Revolution. • Continue to replace i nappropriate school structures and sanitation facilities. Priority 1: Complete the universalisation of Grade R and begin the preparations for the introduction of Grade RR Universalisation of Grade R The Department will continue increasing access to Grade R by implementing the migration of ECD policy function to education in line with national cabinet decisions. An interdepartmental and intergovernmental coordinating structure will be established on ECD to facilitate the migration. Registration of new Grade R sites will continue and 150 000 learners will be enrolled in Grade R to ensure that all learners entering the schooling system have participated in Grade R, regardless of their socio economic status. The key priorities will include: Strategic Goal 1: Early Childhood Development (ECD)
Annual Performance Plan 2019/20 | 21
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